Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lake Powell Trip #2

A group of 5 couples from the neighborhood went to Powell the weekend following my last trip.  We spent a whole week down there, just adults no kids.  The weather was great.  We played and played.  We swam, rode jet skis, I fished a lot.  We ate lots of good food.  We went to church in Page, Arizona.  That was fun too.

This was a very relaxing trip.  It was a nice time away and not being 'in charge' like when you take a family vacation.  The kids would have had a lot of fun too, but it was nice for the adults to be silly too.  I have been asked to do a slide show with all the pictures and video that was shot.  I'm putting together a nice DVD for everybody.  It has been fun to go through all the pictures again...I really want to go back.

Last night Nick and I got to go fishing with Brett and Cole.  They took us in there boat out on Willard bay and we were able to fish the wipers when they were biting heavily.  Man, they are fighters.  The largest one I reeled in was around 5 lbs.

I got to take the kids duck hunting a week or so ago.  It was the youth hunt and the kids have licenses because they finished hunters ed.  They had a good time, although no one got hit any.  We'll get to go out again sometime soon.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Lake Powell Trip #1

A couple close friends from work (Shaun & Monte) invited me along on a short fishing trip last week.  We took off to Lake Powell Thursday morning and returned Saturday night.  These guys are die-hard fishers and hunters.  It was a very fun trip.  We rented a trailer to stay the nights in and spent the days out on Monte's pontoon boat.  What a great relaxing trip!  When we weren't fishing we went back to the trailer and would watch hunting shows on TV which would usually end up with everyone falling asleep.  The fishing wasn't great but that really didn't matter.  It was relaxing and we had a lot of fun.