Monday, March 05, 2012

Embrace Your Inner Geek

I've made web pages to showcase my family for many is a nerdy thing I do.  I am sure very few people even find their way to those web pages but I don't care.  They've mostly been a place to display a few pictures and maybe show some of our interests.  Well, it was time to update again so I took some photos that we recently had taken and used them as the foundation for our web page.  Well, I thought it looked good and I was doing it to impress my wife so this is how it turned out:
 It didn't take long for my wife to comment that I had begun "Scrapbooking" which obviously has a feminine tone to it.  Well, I decided that I could do the same with a more masculine feel.  One of my favorite pictures of myself is one of me leaning up against my motorcycle.  That triggered a thought and I began building a website around the motorcycle image.
It will be interesting to see comments I get when I post both pages.

Another project I recently finished was a little more networking at home and increasing the connectivity of our entertainment center.  I purchased Joanie a new TV and Blu-Ray player for Christmas.  I've since run network cables up into the wall behind our TV and connected both to our home network providing internet access for both devices to bring in additional content.  That has been fun.  Now with a wireless keyboard we sit across the room and pull up internet TV programs or over the air digital TV signals as well as having connectivity to our internet connected Blu-Ray and Wii Console.  I may not be a handy man but when it comes to geekiness I feel like I thrive.  I do think I impressed my son when I pulled down a remote control app on my phone and tablet that controls my Blu-Ray without using its remote.  Why is it that the app has better functionality than the real world remote??  Maybe it is the flexibility.

We ditched our landline (reluctantly...I felt like I was abandoning the heritage my dad built as a telephone man) and went to Voice over IP.  That was fun as well.  The 1890s wall phone that I got from my dad is wired into my phone network at home and it still rings, so I guess I haven't abandoned it all.

There's a sweet beauty to a wooden phone and when it rings with its real bells it makes me smile.

I've been getting my geek-fix wherever I can.  I have been watching Star Trek-The Next Generation in order and that has been fun.  Most of my family members don't enjoy the sci-fi quite as much as me so I am kind and do it when they're not around.