Thursday, December 31, 2009

Smoking Project Continued

The roast got up to 180 degrees and I brought it inside and put it in a crockpot until it reached 190.  I then took it out and wrapped it tightly in aluminum foil and let it sit until it was cool enough to pull.

When it cooled, it pulled very easily.  There was yummy bark on the outside and a good smoke ring.  It was very tender and should feed 25 people at 1/4 lb per sandwhich...actually, that would be a 6 lb roast and this one was about 9.5.  So there should be plenty.

Next I want to try the challenge of smoked brisket!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Smoking in the Snow

Despite having a head cold and sore throat I undertook smoking a pork butt.  It snowed like crazy today so in between checking the temperature we shoveled the driveway several times.

About my smoking project, I have a small water smoker given to me by my sister DeLicia.  I have a hard time keeping that at the right temperature in the summer which means it would be next to impossible in the winter.  I found many articles on how to smoke in your gas grill.  So after marinating and rubbing the butt, I soaked wood chips and set my grill up for indirect heat.

I laid my pan of soaked wood chips on the down side of my grill (I could see smoke was going toward the right so I put the chips on the left).  I placed the butt in the middle of the grill with those two burners off and fired up the outside burners to control heat.

I took my probe thermometer, suspended it to read temperature inside the grill (the grill thermometer is broken) and began the process.  I tried to keep the grill temperature between 210 and 250.  Using the gas grill has made controlling the temperature much easier. 


I started it smoking at 7:30 1:30 pm, I probed the meat and found internal temperature between 177 and we are getting close!  I want to hit around 190 because I hear at that point the connective tissues break down. 

My head is pounding, I want to nap! 

I'll let you know how the pulled pork turns out.