Friday, July 31, 2009

It's been an interesting week. At work I have a lot of tasks going on. Some I'm familiar and comfortable with, some not so much. We're trying to build our new network which includes new Domain Servers, Active Directory, Email Server...we are upgrading from an infrastructure that is several generations back. We have several Windows 2000 servers, we're running exchange 2000. AND we want this new foundation to be as virtualized as it can be. We have a new SAN and have been working with Compellent to manage it and VMware to be the virtualization layer. So as you can see there is alot to learn.

A few weeks ago I took an Exchange 2007 class, big difference than the 2000 version we're running. Most of all I learned that I don't know enough about Server 2008. so now I am reading up and doing online training in that area. Its pretty overwhelming.

I have been updating our helpdesk software...that is something I am fairly comfortable with. We're getting ready to roll it out again...which means notifying all the employees of the benefits of using it. It has a nice portal interface that I think should be fairly friendly.

At home we're getting ready to go camping. I have been exhausted all week and am not looking forward to the packing and setting up. I have to keep reminding myself that last year I noticed how enjoyable it was even for an over-nighter.

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