Wednesday, August 19, 2009

We went to the temple last night. I was amazed at how different I felt leaving than when I entered. I was able to walk out of there with more comfort, confidence and peace. I stumbled across someone's blog recently. They left the LDS church and converted to Catholocism. The entry I stumbled across was a discussion of how they missed going to the temple and the peace it gave them...interesting.
Work is frustrating. We have some fairly big projects...big enough that we can't do them alone. We are using vendors and business partners to pull them off. Its frustrating because they're looming over but we can't do anything yet. I've been working on capital improvement budget for our phone system. That I can handle. It deals with Technology I'm comfortable with, my strength in Finance. It is fun even though I am pretty sure that the budget request will be denied. Last year we just submitted numbers, this year I think I'm going to submit more of a proposal outlining benefits etc.


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