Sunday, January 03, 2010


For some reason, in my mind, I always look for congruencies in life.  I try to fit things into a puzzle, match pieces together and some times take each piece turn it right to left or left to right, upside down, try to insert it into the puzzle where I think it best fits.  Sometimes I try to pound the piece in with a mallet.  It doesn't always fit but I have a very strong desire to not have too many pieces left out.  There are times as I examine these puzzle pieces and want to interlock them with another piece I find but they are so incongruent that it makes me laugh.

Yesterday while attending the kids basketball games and sitting in the audience I pondered how different observing a sporting event was from attending a symphony concert.  I imagined the audience at a concert during the performance yelling directions at the performers.  "Cellos, legato!  What are you thinking?", chanting can be heard "Harmony! Harmony!", Jeers to the conductor "You call that Allegro?  Speed it up!".

I didn't grow up attending sporting events.  I went to one football game in High School because a girl told me she'd be there...don't even remember if I saw her once I was there.  In college I went to one football game that my wife took me to...I took a magazine.  I think I embarrassed her.  The incongruency of the two types of events forces me to keep the puzzle pieces seperate no matter how much I think the two should be related, at least interlock with each other.  Well, at least it's good for a laugh to imagine hooking them together.

Irony is one type of humor...for me, unrelated items can be just as funny.

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